Request for Professional Services from architects, engineers and grant administrators

On behalf of the City of Marion and County of Marion, the Marion City/County Regional Planning Commission requests qualification statements from qualified professional engineering-architectural-design and construction-inspection consulting firms to preform necessary functions for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), ODOT, FEMA and similar State or Federal funding programs.  In addition, more specifically:

  1. The City of Marion is requesting professional qualifications from design, architectural and engineering firms related to CDBG projects.  The City often has projects involving 100+ year old private commercial, residential mixed use, and public buildings.  Design Professional will need to have familiarity and expertise dealing with the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Industrial Compliance and Marion Public Health Department for plumbing codes.    
  2. On behalf of the City of Marion or Marion County Villages, assistance in downtown planning ( downtown development plan, market study/analysis, design review), the preparation of CDBG competitive applications for Downtown Revitalization, Neighborhood Revitalization, Critical Infrastructure, Target of Opportunity, Economic Development, Housing Rehabilitation, or other similar programs, administration if funded, and related Public Works, ODOT, or other funding opportunities.  This could include, as required, architectural and engineering work required for infrastructure or design improvements as well as building and project inspection services.
  3. In conjunction with the proposal for section #2, above, or as a separate stand-alone qualification/ proposal statement; program design, application, administration, implementation, residential property rehabilitation specs and inspection, and asbestos and lead-based paint risk assessments and clearances for a City of Marion, County of Marion, or combined Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) and Fair housing Program Implementation

Qualifications and Proposals may be submitted for # 1, 2, or 3 above, or more than one area and retained for use by Marion City and Marion County with the intent of using for FY 2018, 2019, FY 2020, or FY 2021 funding, but may also be used for other specialized projects such as property demolition or flood proofing.

All proposals must be responsive to the Scope of Work section of this RFP and must meet the content of the RFQ/RFP criteria. Applicants are invited to submit one original and one copy of their response to Evelyn Warr-Cummings, Director, Marion City/County Regional Planning Commission, 222 West Center Street, Marion, Ohio 43302 no later than September 27, 2019.  The Complete RFQ/RFP may be requested from Evelyn Warr-Cummings ( 740-223-4143) or Robert Morris (740-223-4146).

Click Here for additional information and instructions. 

