Easter Dinner

Event Date: 
Thu, 04/21/2011 - 12:00pm


The Easter season is a beautiful time of the year. It brings forth the fresh, new loveliness of many things.  We invite you to celebrate with us at our annual Easter Dinner on Thursday, April 21st at 12:00 p.m.  We will feast on Roast Beef with Potatoes and Carrots, Roll, Perfection Salad, Dessert and a Beverage.

 After dinner, sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful voices of Barb, Cindy and Stacey of the Christian singing group “Believe.”

The tickets are $6.00 each and are on sale through Wednesday, April 14th.  If you choose, you may purchase them through the mail by sending your check and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Center in time for us to return your tickets to you before the dinner.  We would like to thank the Alpha-Y-Graydale Sorority for serving the meal, Parks Department for setting up all our tables and chairs.

We hope you will join us in celebrating the Easter season!

