Monday - Thursday 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 7:30 am - 3:00 pm
The above listed hours are the general hours in which the building is open to the public.
Please Note: Business Hours for departments within City Hall vary and are subject to change based upon staffing issues and holidays.
Council Committe Meetings
Meeting Location: Council Chambers (Courtroom I - City Hall, 2nd Floor)
Finance -- 6:30PM
Council Committee Meetings
Time: The first meeting is generally scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm
Legislation, Codes and Regulations -- 6:40PM
6:30 PM -- Finance (Meeting Packet)
6:40 PM -- Streets and Sewers (Meeting Packet)
Due to lack of business, the Finance Committee Meeting has been canceled. No other committee meetings were called.
Minutes from 06/19/2018 Meeting
Committee meetings have been called by chairs, as follows:
Finance Committee -- 6:30PM; MEETING PACKET HAS BEEN UPDATED! Click here to access agenda and meeting packet
Please be advised that the following committees are scheduled to meet on Tuesday, 4/17/2018:
The following committees of Marion City Council will meet on 04/02/2018:
Meeting Packet