Mayor Scott Schertzer is announcing the following closures for the City of Marion on Monday, September 7, 2020 in observance of the Labor Day holiday:

  • All offices in City Hall will be closed.
  • Sanitation crews will not work on Monday, September 7.  Residents that normally have Monday sanitation service are asked to have their collections at curbside by 7:00 am on Tuesday, September 8.  Sanitation crews will collect both Monday and Tuesday’s refuse on Tuesday, with the possibility that some of Tuesday’s collection could extend into Wednesday.
  • Marion Area Transit buses will not operate on Monday, September 7.  Normal bus service will resume on Tuesday, September 8.
  • Marion Senior Center will be closed on Monday, September 7.  Contact the Senior Center (740-387-6100) for transportation options that are available through the center.

Necessary services including fire, police, and airport will operate as usual.



It’s important, safe & easy – and not too late to respond!

Mayor Schertzer is reminding those citizens that have not already done so, to complete their 2020 Census Questionnaire.  Schertzer said, “I would encourage our residents to take a few minutes out of their busy lives to complete the 2020 Census because the impact for multiple agencies and programs throughout our local community is significant .”

U.S. Census Bureau worker are knocking on doors in Marion at homes that have not already responded to the 2020 Census, in order to complete this vital national count.

Once a decade, America comes together to count every resident in the United States, with the Census counting our population and households.  The Census provides the basis for distributing more federal funds annually to support states, counties and communities’ vital programs – impacting housing, education, transportation, employment, healthcare and public policy, as well as reapportioning congressional seats and redistricting.

  • It’s not too late!  You can still respond online, by phone, or by mail.  Answer today, save a visit by census takers to your home, and save taxpayer dollars too!
  • Taking the Census is quick and easy with residents having the option to complete as follows:

          - Online at (multiple languages available)
          - By Phone 1-844-330-2020 (multiple languages available)
          - By Mail - Complete information sent by U.S. Census Bureau in March or April.

  • Census takers will have official photo ID badges and wear face masks for COVID-19 safety.

* Census workers will NEVER ask for your social security number, bank account information, political party, religion, or citizenship information.  You can verify a Census employee by going to:


What is the Census?

The census is a 10-year count of all persons living in the United States, conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.  The census also inventories various demographic information on persons living in the United States, including age, gender, and race.

Why should I take the Census?

The Census determines how millions of dollars in federal funding will get distributed and we want Marion to get all it deserves.  For every person who does not take the Census, Marion stands to lose out on $20,000 in federal funds over the next decade.  The Census also determines our representation in Congress.  It is vitally important for every single person living in Marion to be counted! 

Who should be counted?

You should count every person living in your home.  This includes infants and grandparents, citizens and non-citizens, family members and non-family members.  If someone is living in your home and therefore using City resources, they should be counted there.   Have questions about how to count your college student, service member, etc?  Check the Census website for details.

How will I take the Census?

For the first time ever, you can take the Census online.  You should have received an invitation in the mail with directions on how to take the Census online for your household.  If you do not have internet access, you can choose to visit your local library branch to use a computer there or you can call the Census Bureau to give your answers by phone.  There will also be a paper Census option.  Different languages are available.

Is it safe to provide answers for the Census?

All data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau is confidential and may only be used for statistical purposes.  The Census Bureau cannot release any identifiable information about an individual, their home, or business, even to law enforcement agencies.  The law ensures that an individual’s private data is protected and their answers cannot be used against them by any government agency or court.

Is the Census a requirement?

Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution mandates that the Census be completed every 10-years.



Event Date: 
Sat, 10/30/2021 - 5:30pm

In 1999, Marion City Council passed legislation which set "Trick-or-Treat" night within the City of Marion for October 31 of each year between the hours of 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm, unless October 31 falls on a Sunday.  If October 31 falls on a Sunday, "Trick-or-Treat" night will be observed on the preceding Saturday.  Due to the fact that October 31 (Halloween) falls on a Sunday in 2021, Trick-or-Treat for the City of Marion will be observed on Saturday, October 30, 2021 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

Event Date: 
Fri, 12/31/2021 (All day)

Due to New Year's Day falling on Saturday, the federally observed holiday will take place on Friday, December 31.  Therefore, City Offices/Departments will be closed on Friday, December 31 in observance of New Year's Day.

Necessary services, including fire, police and airport, will operate as usual.

Event Date: 
Fri, 12/24/2021 (All day)

Due to Christmas Day falling on Saturday, the federally observed holiday will take place on Friday, December 24.  Therefore, City Offices/Departments will be closed on Friday, December 24 in observance of Christmas Day.

Necessary services, including fire, police and airport, will operate as usual.

Event Date: 
Fri, 11/26/2021 (All day)

All offices in City Hall will be closed on this day.

Event Date: 
Thu, 11/25/2021 (All day)

City Offices will be closed in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday.

Necessary services, including fire, police and airport, will operate as usual.

Event Date: 
Thu, 11/11/2021 (All day)

Offices in City Hall will be closed in observance of Veterans Day.

Event Date: 
Mon, 09/06/2021 (All day)

City Offices will be closed in observance of Labor Day.

Necessary services, including fire, police and airport, will operate as usual.

Event Date: 
Mon, 07/05/2021 (All day)

Due to Independence Day falling on Sunday, the federally observed holiday will take place on Monday, July 5.  Therefore, City Offices will be closed on Monday, July 5 in observance of Independence Day.

Necessary services, including fire, police and airport, will operate as usual.

