About Us

About the Senior Center

Marion Senior Center serves as the Focal Point for seniors in Marion County — connecting older adults to vital community services that can help them stay healthy and independent.

Our Mission: Enriching the lives of seniors by providing a wide variety of diverse and dynamic programs, activities, and services.

Our Vision: ‘Making a Difference in Every Life We Touch’.

Our Staff

Director: Steve Badertscher
Development Assistant: Sheryl Simmons
Activity Coordinator: Lisa Richardson
Social Service Coordinator: Emilee Evans
Transportation Coordinator: Sierra Blanton
Homemaker/Shopper: Cathy Williams

Bill Bess
Greg Case
Dick Gorenflo
Greg Haas
Steve Longberry
Deb Page
John Probst
Tom Robbins
Bob Seamon
Willie Troutman

Senior Citizens Association, Inc.
Board of Trustees (2022):

President: Steve Renick
Vice President: Becky Yannitell
Recording Secretary: Janine Williams
Corresponding Secretary: Mary Martin
Treasurer: Barb Klee

Jerry Webber
Dr. Len Janchar
Kathy Hampel
Gabe Vaflor
Janie Moore
Jean Merritt

How Are We Funded?

The Marion Senior Center is a department of the City of Marion and is funded in part by a Title III Grant under the Older Americans Act, administered through the Ohio Department of Aging and Area Agency on Aging - Ohio District 5, with local funding through the City of Marion, the Marion County Council on Aging (Senior Services Levy), and Marion Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. (our non-profit board). Programs and services are open to all persons age 60 and older, regardless of sex, race, national origin, handicap or religion. Social memberships are available starting at age 50.