The goals of the Marion Streets Department are as follows:

  1. Provide uniform snow clearance capabilities city.
  2. Deliver an effective service under adverse conditions that reduces the interruptions to the personal and economic life of the citizens of the City of Marion.

The total length of roadways maintained by the City of Marion is 132.7 center lane miles.


Because of the extent of the roadway system in Marion, not all roadways can be addresses at the same time.

The City of Marion has established a policy prohibiting the use of any tobacco products on City owned property.

Monday - Thursday
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.  All Ages        
3 p.m. - 5 p.m.  Under 21 only
5 p.m. - 8 p.m.  All Ages

9 a.m - 3 p.m.  All Ages         
3 p.m. - 5 p.m.  Under 21 only
5 p.m. - 6 p.m.  All Ages

1 p.m. - 3 p.m.  Under 21 only
3 p.m. - 6 p.m.  All Ages


Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

A locking drop box is located at the front of City Hall inside the double doors to your left. Cash payments are not to be placed in the drop box.  This drop box is for City of Marion Utility Billing customers ONLY and not for any other utility payments (i.e. water, gas or electric).



Why Recycle?

Each resident of Marion generates an average of 4 lbs. of waste every day. In one year, this totals 50.5 million lbs. As the amount of trash being thrown away each year increases, the cost to collect it, haul it, and landfill it also increases. Recycling is the best way to reduce waste, stretch our resources and maintain a reasonable refuse collection rate.

Municipal collection of 1) domestic refuse, rubbish and household trash (regular refuse), 2) recyclables, and 3) garden and yard waste.

Collection Schedule

  1. Collections will be scheduled on a regular basis for domestic waste.
  2. No collection shall occur on Sundays or holidays except in a time of emergency.
  3. Collections missed due to holidays will be made on the next scheduled collection day.
  4. Materials to be collected must be placed at curbside (generally in the tree lawn area) BY 7:00 A.M. on the scheduled collection day.
  5. Materials to be collected are not to be placed at curbside more than twelve hours (12 hrs) prior to the scheduled collection day.
  6. If collection is missed, it must be reported no later than 3:00 p.m. the day of collection in order for pick-up to occur the same week.

Collection Requirements

  1. Collection of domestic refuse, recyclables, garden, and yard waste will be at curbside or right of way.
  2. Biological waste (i.e. body fluids-urine/human waste, dead animals) will not be accepted with the collection of refuse at curbside.
  3. Regular refuse, recyclables, yard/garden waste are not to be co-mingled.
  4. Regular refuse must be placed in rigid water and vermin proof containers with securable lids or in 3-ply plastic bags.
  5. It is recommended that regular refuse containers have a capacity between twenty gallons (20 gal.) and thirty-two gallons (32 gal.) AND SHALL HAVE NO LOOSE TRASH.  Larger containers are acceptable, but refuse must be contained in smaller individual bags.
  6. Single filled refuse containers weight limit is fifty pounds (50 lbs.).
  7. The number of cans per weekly pick-up is limited to six (6) per resident unit.  Excessive amounts will be subject to additional charges.  Residents with larger pick-ups must follow procedures noted under Special #2.
  8. Cardboard must be broken down and tied no longer than 5 feet long.
  9. Paint is not accepted with regular garbage unless it is totally dried up or filled with sand.  Materials classified as hazardous waste will not be accepted and are managed through DKMM Solid Waste on a periodic basis.
  10. Animal waste and/or disposable diapers must be wrapped such that they are undetectable by odor.
  11. Discarded rugs, carpet, and/or padding must be cut into five foot (5’) lengths, rolled, and taped or tied with a maximum diameter of twelve inches (12”) and weighing no more than fifty pounds (50 lbs.). Free from moisture and will follow procedures noted under Special #2.  Residents are encouraged to be mindful of weather conditions when placing discarded material for pick-up. 
  12. Needles and other sharp objects must be placed in protective “sharps container” or coffee can with lids in order to be accepted.
  13. Recyclables must be placed in rigid receptacles provided by the City.
  14. Garden and yard waste, excluding grass clippings, must be placed in clearly identifiable biodegradable paper bags, loose in garbage cans, or boxes.
  15. Brush and tree trimmings cut to five foot (5’) lengths (maximum), bundled no larger than twenty-four inches (24”) in diameter, and weighing no more than fifty pounds (50 lbs.) will be collected on a variable schedule during warm weather months.
  16. Large auto parts, auto heads, auto bodies, auto batteries, engine parts, and tires will not be accepted.
  17. Undelivered newspapers must be placed in recycling containers.
  18. All refuse containers must be retrieved from the curbside, tree lawn, or right of way within thirty-six hours (36 hrs.) of collection.


  1. Backdoor collection service will be provided for residents disabled due to age or infirmity.
  2. Collection of large appliances and/or furniture will be treated as a special pickup.  Mattresses and furniture will be free from moisture.  Collection is subject to additional fees (not included in the basic collection rate) as determined by the Service Director or his authorized representative.
  3. Unusually large amounts of common trash will require a special pick-up and an additional charge will apply.
  4. A free drop off site, primarily intended for grass clippings, but is also open for other yard and garden waste, is located at 560 Barks Rd. W. (Park Enterprises) and is available for city residents.  Hours of operation vary.  Residents may call 740-223-7275 to verify business hours.  While there is no charge for city residents; proof of city residency may be required.  Residents are encouraged to take large amounts of yard waste directly to the drop-off site due to the variable curbside pick-up schedule.
  5. Demolition/construction materials requires a special pick up with an additional charge. 
  6. Fall Leaf and Christmas tree collections will take place on a seasonal basis throughout the City.


City Sanitation and Streets Department:     (740) 382-1479


The Sanitation and Streets Department provides the following vital customer services to Marion residents: weekly garbage and recycling collection, roadway maintenance, snow and ice removal; roadway striping; repairing and replacement of street signs and signals, seasonal collection of yard waste.

Some Facts about Streets & Sanitation


  • There are 132.7 center lane miles of road in Marion.

Traffic Signals

Time to start your New Year's resolution! One of the following two class offerings may be just the ticket to keep you on track with your goals.

C.P.Y. - Cardio Power Yoga

Welcome to the official website of the City of Marion, Ohio.  The purpose of this website is to provide information about our city government, departments, services, and activities.  Whether you are a resident, business owner or visitor, we invite you to explore and access the resources throughout our web pages.

The Marion, Ohio community is rich in heritage and history, including the Home and Memorial Tomb of 29th U.S. President Warren G. Harding and his wife Florence. We invite you to stop and experience our history, attractions, culture, food and more.
