City Planning Commission Meeting
Meeting Location: Zoom
Time: 6:30 pm
Call to Order/Roll Call
Reorganization -- Election of Officers
Old Business
New Business
Item 1. Willis Rezoning, Alley Vacation, and Variance Requests
- Application1
- Application 2
- Application 3
- Staff Report
- Mailing Labels -- adjacent/abutting
- Proof of Advertising -- pending
- Streets and Sewers -- tentatively 04/19/2021
- Public Hearing and 1st Reading -- tentatively 04/26/2021
Item 2. Reed Avenue Variance/Gary Mills (does not go on to Council)
- Application
- Staff Report
- Reed Avenue Settlement Program (Unique situation)
- Mailing Labels -- adjacent/abutting
- Proof of Advertising
Item 3. Forest Lawn Variance /Odessa Myers (does not go on to Council) -- As of 04/05/2021, Mrs. Myers verbally withdrew her application based on the content of the Staff Report; it has been suggested that the committee take action on the application in case it comes up again in the future.
Other Business